Tech + Entrepreneurship + Family + Ski + Vail + Bike = Jake Sigal

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Engineers are known for being smart enough to figure things out and structured enough to develop repeatable solutions. For Jake Sigal, the solution is pretty simple: be on a mountain bike all summer, ride on two skis down a mountain all winter, and build an innovative tech company 365 days a year...all with zero inbox. 

Jake Sigal is a man of many talents. Once a DJ and always a man that’s been into cars and hardware, Jake left a steady engineering job to launch a new company to bring streaming audio to the automobile before streaming music was really a thing. After 6 years of building and growing Livio, Jake sold his company to Ford. A true MuskOx man, Jake isn’t one to rest on his laurels so he went back for round two and launched a new company, Tome Software, which works with brands like Trek, the NHL, and Ford to push the envelope on the interface with hardware and software. 

Grand Flannel Flannel Shirt By MuskOx Clothing

While Jake has been wildly successful in business, he’s defined much more by what he does outside of four walls. He’s a skier, he’s a biker, and he’s a man that’s always seeking his next adventure. Known for planning play hard trips to Vail, Colorado -- if you’ve seen video of a man wearing MuskOx flannels down the Rocky Mountains, then you’ve seen Jake in his happy place. 

Vail holds a special place in Jake and his wife Abbee’s heart, and it’s not only a regular winter skiing destination -- it’s also the motivation for his work and the place where Jake and Abbee aspire to retire and truly return to the outdoors.  

While Jake’s always hitting double blacks, he did give us a few minutes to catch up with him when he popped off the skis.

MuskOx: What is it about the outdoors that connects with you? 
Jake: Nature is powerful, beautiful, and has the ability to touch our soul.

MuskOx: In what ways is running Tome similar to bike racing? 
Jake: In cycling, there are different categories of riders and you race within your category to be the best you can be. Being an entrepreneur, and a cyclist is more about being the best version of yourself and inspiring young people to prioritize integrity, and the will to go beyond your limits.

Grand Flannel Flannel Shirt by MuskOx Clothing

MuskOx: All right...we have to ask: if you could only choose biking or skiing, which would it be? 
Jake: Skiing. I’m a skier that bikes. ◆◆ You’ll find me off #37 and #38 ◆◆ #LikeNothingOnEarth

MuskOx: We understand you want to find a way to retire in the Vail area. What makes the city so special to you? 
Jake: Vail was founded in 1962 by two friends, Peter Seibert and Earl Eaton with a passion for skiing and being truly free. While many people unfamiliar with Vail associate the town with luxury experiences and pricing, Vail is actually a collection of different people that come together under a common love for the mountains and being outdoors. It doesn’t matter what you do for work, all are accepted in Vail for who they are and their love of mountain life. I respect that Vail was a “startup” with a vision and core believes that I align with.

Quarter Zip by MuskOx Clothing

MuskOx: What is it about the MuskOx brand that you connect with? 
Jake: MuskOx is about technical capability and functions with indoor form. The vibe of being able to sport my pullover in the board room, hop a flight and send it at 10,500ft. I also love the Detroit connection. We work hard, in and out of the office.

MuskOx: What has skiing taught you about business? 
Jake: Always look where you want to go and never where you don’t. Trees don’t move. Aim for success.

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