Our Herd's Impact on Wildlife and the Ecosystem that Surrounds All of Us

At MuskOx our environmental impact is important to us, and one of the driving factors behind our brand. Supporting wildlife and the environment that surrounds all of us is our responsibility.

In 2021 we have taken steps to further our environmental impact, and we want MuskOx Outdoor Apparel to be known as a brand that not only makes rad outdoor clothing, but also makes a positive impact towards change when it comes to our natural resources and wildlife.

Image of two muskoxen in Alaska. MuskOx Men's Apparel Commitment to American Wildlife.
Photo of Our Friends, Jasper and Opal at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center

We're Fully Committed to Eco-Friendly Packaging

First and foremost - we use eco-friendly packaging for all of our packaging and fulfillment, and we think this is a very easy step in the right direction for all online brands! When you receive a package from MuskOx you can count on the fact that our packaging is made from 100% recycled material provided by EcoEnclose who offers the world’s most sustainable packaging that is recycled, recyclable, and naturally biodegradable. In addition, on our branded boxes and envelopes we use soy-based ink which makes a huge difference when the material breaks down. It reduces the harmful impact of the ink breaking down and absorbing into the earth.

Why is our partnership with EcoEnclose special?

Through exclusively fulfilling with EcoEnclose packaging, we have helped them conserve over:

  • 9,100,000 gallons of water
  • 80,588 trees
  • 1,800 barrels of oil
  • 27,000,000,000 BTUs of energy
  • 5,863 tons of GHC emissions

This was only in 2020 alone. We're excited to update you on the 2021's impact through using eco-friendly packaging next year -- please stay tuned!

Image of our muskox outdoor apparel team handling in-house fulfillment
Photo of Our Team Handling our In-Hose Fulfillment with EcoEnclose Packaging

What's Been Happening With The Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center?

We're sure you know by now, but we formed a partnership with the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center (AWCC) in late 2020 to support the wildlife rescue and conservation efforts. We're committed to donating a portion of sales of every order over $100 to their animal sanctuary. With the support of The MuskOx Herd we have contributed over $3,200 from sales since launching our partnership. A strong bond with the AWCC is so important to us, not only because they are nurturing America's muskox population, but also for providing sanctuary to all 15 species of American wildlife that make our country unique.

What's up with the AWCC in 2021? 

We recently connected with our good friend, Nicole Geils, adventure seeker, lover of stormy skiing, flannel aficionado, and our conduit into what's happening on the ground in Anchorage at the AWCC. She was excited to inform that they have two new rescue muskoxen, Opal and Jasper, who zoom zoom zoomie all around the AWCC. One more muskox recently joined their herd and is soon to be introduced (we'll keep you updated!) This now makes their muskox herd 13 strong in 2021! Nicole also shared that MuskOx's donation to the AWCC has gone towards the building of a pretty serious wildlife kitchen in order to provide the proper nutrition, food, and to provide the complex diet their animals require for optimal health. The AWCC has also be using MuskOx proceeds to assist enrichment ceremonies for their animals. These ceremonies enrich based on five categories of social, cognitive, physical habitat, sensory and food. Enrichment ceremonies stimulate the animals' minds in order to build their confidence at the sanctuary.

Image of Nicole Gelis with two muskox at the AWCC
Photo of Nicole Geils with Jasper and Opal at the AWCC

We're Determined to Grow & Improve

Our dedication to a sustainable and eco-friendly apparel environment and our commitment to wildlife does not stop here, and we are always looking for ways to enhance our efforts! With that being said, we are proud to share our efforts thus far, and we want our Herd to know that it's been a team effort -- we're stronger as a herd, and we never forget that. Let's hear your thoughts and efforts to build a stronger ecosystem. Drop us a line or hit us up on social, we're here to listen and share your story.