8 Majestic Alaskan Adventures

8 Majestic Alaskan Adventures, MuskOx Apparel

When it comes to finding adventure in America, it’s tough to beat Alaska. Mountains, bears, musk ox, caribou, moose, and wolf all roam freely in America’s largest and most rugged state. Alaska is bigger than Texas, Montana, and California combined -- and packs in more adventure than the average “mainlander” is up for in the United States. 

But if you’re up for Alaskan adventure -- then you’re ready for breathtaking wilderness, pristine terrain, and fresh air that you haven’t experienced in years. Oh -- and lots of musk ox. At Muskox, it’s no surprise that we love musk ox just like it’s no surprise that we sell great men’s adventure clothes.  

But we’ll leave talking about MuskOx rugged men’s apparel to your friends -- and get to the top adventures in Alaska, or as Alaskans like to say: 

North to the future!

Here’s our list of 8 Great Alaskan Adventures

Track The Crossroads for Bears

Inside of Denali National Park and Preserve is the talent mountain in North America, Denali (formerly known as Mount McKinley) & about 25 miles northeast of Denali is a place called Sable Pass. Sable Pass point is home to all the “Big 5” game of Alaska: grizzly bear, gray wolf, moose, Dall sheep, and caribou. It’s amazing to see bears gnaw on wild berries with caribou nearby. Moose thrive around water, bushes, tree needles, and leaves -- whereas the Dall sheep thrive on high ridges with dense mountain vegetation. While it’s unlikely that you’ll see the world, know that they are there so long as their prey, like the caribou, are in the area. 

    Watch The Iditarod

    Dubbed “The Last Great Race on Earth” for good reason, the Iditarod is the world’s foremost sled dog race which covers over 1,000 miles of Alaska terrain that includes mountains, tundra, and coastline alike. Mushers (who ride on the sleds pulled by huskies) form teams of humans and dogs to tackle nature and terrain as part of paying tribute to the wonderful Alaskan heritage. It’s tough to not enjoy the human and canine battles and there’s no shortage of festivities that celebrate the race along the way.

    Kenai River, Alaska, MuskOx Men's ApparelPhoto via Alaska Rivers Company

    Catch The Big One on The Kenai River

    Home of the largest recorded salmon on record (97 pounder caught in 1985), this is the place to enjoy the apex of Alaskan salmon fishing. The King Salmon run mid-May to July and mid July to July 31, the Red Salmon run late May to early June and mid July to early August, and the Silver Salmon run late July to November 1.

    All Sun and No Sun

    In Utqiagvik, Alaska (formerly known as Barrow) -- there is a period of nearly 90 days beginning in May where it’s daylight 24-hours a day. The historical whaling and oil field operations community is also welcoming of tourists seeking out the midnight sun. If you’re looking for a very different feel than the typical American town, then Utqiagvik during the early summer might make for an intriguing adventure. And guess what? The sun doesn’t shine from November to January -- so if you’re ready for a flashlight not optional party here on earth -- this might be your ticket.

    Summit Denali

    Alaskan Tom Choate climbed Denali in 2013, at the age of 78 -- making him the oldest person to climb North America’s highest peak. Challenges abound, including the far northern latitude of 63 degrees, which means Denali has lower barometric pressure than the world's other high mountains. Summiting Denali is no small feat but if you’re looking for adventure in Alaskas -- there’s no better place to aspire to.

    AWCC and MuskOx Men's Apparel

    Visit the AWCC

    Located in Portage, the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center (AWCC) is a sanctuary dedicated to preserving Alaska’s wildlife through conservation, education, research and quality animal care. At the AWCC you can learn a great deal about Alaskan wildlife and enjoy free daily educational programs -- and get to see many of the animals that the AWCC is working to re-enter the wild. Plus, the gift shop is one of a very few places where you can buy MuskOx men’s apparel in a retail setting.

    Wildlife Feast

    In The Lower Herring Bay, thousands and thousands of herrings come together to span annually each spring. And where the fish spawn, the land-based and air-based wildlife gathers. Seabirds, eagles, bears, and wolves all come together for an unparalleled snack.

    Brown Bear Catching Salmon

    We’ve all seen the beautiful picture of the majestic brown bear reaching out with his razor-sharp claws to catch a salmon  jumping out of the wilderness-cloaked body of water. It’s so perfect that it might not seem attainable to see with your own eyes, but in Alaska -- that’s possible. For your best chance of making that happen head out to Brooks Falls in the Katmai National Park and Preserve.It’s not unheard of to see about 40 brown bears surrounding the waterfall and waiting for the opportunity to catch that fish in its jaws. 

    Let us know in the comments what other great Alaskan adventures you’ve fallen in love with! 

    And if you’re looking for a great rugged flannel that’s worth of Alaskan wilderness but sharp enough for the big city, check out MuskOx Flannels -- the best in the business.